Episode 22 - The Power of Saying No: Our Take on Entrepreneurial Balance

Ever found yourself stretched too thin, hustling between multiple jobs, and trying to manage a growing business? Let's be honest, it's all too common in entrepreneurship. This episode, we'll hear from one our co-hosts, LaKeysha Cobbs-Hayes, an expert CEO strategist who can relate to these challenges. She shares her personal story of being overextended, revealing the unseen costs and the toll it took on her productivity.

Together, we dig into the art of saying 'no,' setting boundaries, and the essential skill of delegation. We delve into crafting a business plan that doesn't just feed your ambitious dreams but is grounded in reality. Lakeysha spills the beans on how to set both external and internal boundaries to keep your entrepreneurial journey sustainable. In our candid chat, you'll find inspiration and practical advice to help you avoid overextending yourself and instead focus on creating a balanced path to success.


Episode 23 - Breaking Down Barriers: The Key to Transformational Leadership